Sparrow Productions, the production house which has brought us several captivating films and TV series is kick-starting the New Year with something unique, engaging and entertaining—the Sparrow Entertainment Festival (SEF).
On 8th and 9th January, 2016 at the SilverBird Cinema at the Accra Mall in Accra, the debut edition of Sparrow Entertainment Festival will take off; bringing to those who love great African productions the latest feature film and TV series from Sparrow—in an environment which would allow unique interactions between fans and the various movie stars, as well as crew.
Sparrow Entertainment Festival is a combined pre-screening event that provides fans an exclusive glimpse at Sparrow’s movies and series yet to be released.
For the two days, Sparrow Entertainment Festival will screen two of Sparrow’s brand new exciting productions; an enthralling political drama series titled SHAMPAIGN and a one-of-a-kind movie thriller titled REBECCA.
It will be a two-day soiree of up close and personal interaction with cast, crew and movie stars from all around the continent, red carpet pictures, interviews, autograph signing and behind the scenes gossip.

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