On Wednesday, July 5, 64-year-old renowned entertainment reporter Mario Dumaual died unexpectedly from septic shock.
Mario Dumaual, who was born on July 31st, 1958, initially enrolled in the University of the Philippines Los Banos, where he eventually graduated.
Then, in 1982, Mario Dumaual moved to the Times Journal, where he began working as an entertainment correspondent. Later, he contributed to the broadsheet Daily Malaya’s entertainment sections.
Mario covered award presentations, pageants, and galas in addition to reporting on a variety of personalities. He later joined ABS-CBN, where he remained to serve as a reporter after retiring.
Explore the tragic cause of death of the veteran Journalist.
Septic shock is a potentially fatal illness that develops after infection when your blood pressure drops to an unsafely low level. Any bacterium might bring on the illness. Although it is uncommon, viruses and fungi like candida can be the cause. The infection may first cause a condition known as sepsis.
Sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock are the three phases of the disease. Sepsis can occur as a result of your immune system going into overdrive in reaction to an infection.
Mild sepsis usually leads to recovery, but septic shock has a death rate of between 30% and 40%. Additionally, a severe sepsis episode increases the chance of developing new infections.
Sepsis is a fatal organ failure brought on by an improperly controlled host response to infection. It can cause multiple organ failure, septic shock, and even death if not treated very away.
The condition is associated with a few risk factors. It can have an impact on infants, people over 65, women who are pregnant, people who use recreational drugs, and those who have prosthetic joints or heart valves. Those with AIDS, diabetes, leukemia, and immunological diseases are susceptible to the issue.
After having a heart attack, Mario Dumaual developed a serious fungal infection (Septic shock). This became the cause of his passing at age 64.
He was recovering from a heart attack after developing a severe fungal infection. His family informed him that he was hospitalized at the Philippine Heart Centre for a month.
The news of Mario’s passing was announced on Facebook, where his family posted a message and a couple of images of Mario and another of him standing with family members. According to the statement, Mario spent a month in the Philippine Heart Centre recovering from a heart attack while simultaneously dealing with a fungal infection.
The post read-
“Papa was strong, he kept fighting on, overcoming the heart attack then a cardiac arrest. He would always say he wanted to go home because he missed us, his family. But the infection overwhelmed his body’s ability to recover.”
Luigi, Miguel, Maxine, William, and Thessa are the children Dumaual left behind, along with his wife, Cherie.
According to the family’s Facebook post, Mario’s wake will be held at the Loyola Memorial Chapels and Crematorium Commonwealth from Thursday through Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
We hope that the departed’s family has the strength to survive this difficult time.